With cold and windy end of winter I´m more and more looking forward warmer days of spring and summer. This mood was further strenghten by roll of Ilford HP5 35 mm film which I had still undeveloped from last summer. So I finally found some time and developed it. As usually I opted for simple and almost foolproof method of stand development. I´m using Foma´s Fomadon R09, which is basically Rodinal.
This one roll hold shots from several occasions. Bike trip with my daughter, where we sit and had a snack and I was able to test for the first time my Nikkor-S 55/1.2.

Shots from meeting with my friend over few beers and vape, again with above mentioned 55/1.2. This friends sometimes let me shoot him as a model in my vape related photos.

And finally portrait of my friend who is expert in Japanese history and arts and master of the japanese sword – here posing with his throwing blade.

Now, with March just around the corner, I´m more and more looking forward warmer days and hatching the plans for another photo portrait sessions.