Whenever I find a time I go to visit one of my best friends. Since I´m living in different town for the last decades I don´t see him as often as in time ouf our studies when we saw each other almost every day. So everytime I manage to visit him, I enjoy the time very much. Clever guy, with great sense of humour, and wise as well I can say. I´m glad I have couple of his portraits now; some taken with digital comaera, some taken on film as these I post here today.

Light in the room was quite dim and even though I moved his chair into lighter area, still I was close to the limit of the film (I didn´t push it, which I probably should).
Fomapan 400, developed in Fomadon R09 with semi-stand development method, dilution 1:100, 80 minutes with agitations at 20th, 40th and 60th minute.